New Country Report on the Implementation of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in Moldova
/Moldova Report
Key Figures
In this report, EIN examines the implementation record of the Republic of Moldova. There are clear positive examples of implementation where significant reforms have happened or are underway.
However, the report also shows that there is significant room for improvement. As of November 2020, there are 51 lending judgments pending implementation in Moldova. Each of these cases represents a systemic and recurring human rights problem that needs to be effectively addressed. On average, leading cases have been pending in Moldova for over 8 years.
In the past 10 years, over 40% of the leading judgments issued against Moldova await full implementation. Notably, 49% of pending leading cases do not have an Action Plan, which sets out how authorities will implement judgments.
We hope that the dissemination of this report will serve as an informative basis for future work on the implementation of judgments in the Republic of Moldova.
Download the report here:
Full Report:
Image Credit
Photo by Sasha Pleshco_ on Unsplash