Overview of Rule 9 Submissions in view of the Committee of Minister’s Deputies Human Rights Meeting September 2021
/From the 14th-16th of September, the Council of Europe’s Committee of Minister’s Deputies will meet for their quarterly Human Rights Meeting. This meeting will examine several judgments of the European Court of Human Rights that are still pending implementation. The agenda consists of 45 cases from 21 members of the Council of Europe.
EIN members/partners, other civil society actors, lawyers and applicants have made 23 submissions in the cases. under consideration. The list below sets out an overview of these submissions related to cases on the current indicative list.
Overview of Submissions
Strazimiri v. Albania (Application No. 34602/16)
Violation: Poor conditions of detention and inadequate medical treatment of a mentally ill person subject to a court-ordered compulsory medical treatment; unlawful detention in an inadequate (penitentiary) institution without proper psychiatric treatment; failure to examine speedily the lawfulness of the applicant's detention; absence of right to compensation.
First Examination
Anar Mammadli v. Azerbaijan (Application No. 47145/14)
Violation: Arrest and pre-trial detention to punish the applicants for activities in the area of electoral monitoring (Mammadli) or for their active social and political engagement (Rashad Hasanov and others) in breach of Article 18 taken in conjunction with Article 5.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1406/H46-4 (June 2021)
Aslan Ismayilov, Namazov and Bagirov v. Azerbaijan (Namazov group) (Applications No. 18498/15, 74354/13, 81024/12)
Violation: Lack of procedural safeguards in disciplinary proceedings, having led to the applicants disbarment for breach of professional ethics following verbal altercations with a judge.
First examination
Sargsyan v. Azerbaijan (Application No. 40167/06)
Violation: Impossibility for persons displaced during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to gain access in 1992 to their homes and properties in the region; lack of effective remedies.
Last Examined: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1406/A1 (June 2021)
L.B. group of cases v. Belgium (Application No. 22831/08)
Violation: Structural problem concerning the care of persons with mental health problems detained in prison.
Last Examined: CM/Del/Dec(2018)1324/H46-3 (September 2018)
Sejdic and Finci v. Bosnia and Herzegovina (Application No. 27996/06)
Violation: Ethnic-based discrimination on account of the ineligibility of persons not affiliated with one of the “constituent peoples” (Bosniaks, Croats or Serbs) to stand for election to the House of Peoples and the Presidency.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1406/H46-7 (June 2021)
J.M.B. and Others v. France (Application No. 9671/15)
Violation: Poor conditions of detention (overcrowding) and lack of an effective preventive remedy.
First Examination
Merabishvili v. Georgia (Application No. 72508/13)
Violation: Failure of the domestic courts to give sufficiently reasoned decisions for the continued pre-trial detention of the applicant, a former Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, and use of the pre-trial detention during this period by the Chief Public Prosecutor for the illegitimate purpose of pressurising the applicant into providing information on matters unrelated to the criminal case against him.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1398/H46-9 (March 2021)
Bekir-Ousta and Others group of cases v. Greece (Application No. 35151/05)
Violation: Refusal of domestic courts to register associations.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1406/H46-12 (June 2021)
Makaratzis group of cases v. Greece (Application No. 50385/99)
Violation: Use of potentially lethal force and ill-treatment by law enforcement agents and lack of effective investigations.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2018)1331/H46-13 (December 2018)
Baka v. Hungary (Application No. 20261/12)
Violation: Lack of access to a court as regards the premature termination of the applicant’ s mandate as President of the Supreme Court which also led to a violation of his right to freedom of expression.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2020)1383/H46-8 (29 September – 1 October 2020)
Abu Zubaydah v. Lithuania (Application No. 46454/11)
Violation: Various violations related to the secret detention and "extraordinary rendition” of the applicant. As a result, the applicant is exposed to continued arbitrary detention and ill-treatment at the United States Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2020)1390/H46-15 (December 2020)
Levinta v. the Republic of Moldova (Application No. 17332/03)
Violation: Ill-treatment and torture in police custody; ineffective investigations; lack of an effective remedy; conviction based on evidence obtained under torture.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2018)1331/H46-16 (December 2018)
Al Nashiri and Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland (Applications No. 28761/11, 7511/13)
Violation: Various violations related to the secret detention and "extraordinary rendition” of the applicant. As a result, the applicant was exposed to a serious risk of further ill-treatment and conditions of detention in breach of Article 3, as well as of further secret detention. He faces a risk of capital punishment in a trial before a United States military commission in which, according to the European Court's judgment, evidence obtained under torture might be used.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2020)1390/H46-16 (December 2020)
Al Nashiri v. Romania (Application No. 33234/12)
Violation: Various violations related to the secret detention and "extraordinary rendition” of the applicant. As a result, the applicant was exposed to a serious risk of further ill-treatment and conditions of detention in breach of Article 3 as well as of further secret detention. He faces a risk of capital punishment in a trial before a United States military commission in which, according to the European Court's judgment, evidence obtained under torture might be used.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2020)1390/H46-17 (December 2020)
Navalnyye (Navalnyy and Ofitserov group), Navalnyy and Navalnyy (No. 2) v. Russian Federation (Applications No. 101/15, 29580/12, 43734/14)
Alexey Navalny. Photo copyright of Evgenly Isaev, Creative Commons Licence, Flickr
Violation: Criminal conviction based on an unfair trial and an arbitrary application of criminal law (violations of Articles 6 and 7).
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1406/H46-30 (June 2021)
OAO Neftyanaya Kompaniya Yukos v. Russian Federation (Application No. 14902/04)
Violation: Violations concerning tax and enforcement proceedings brought against the applicant oil company, leading to its liquidation in 2007.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2020)1383/H46-19 (29 September – 1 October 2020)
Bati and Others group of cases v. Turkey (Application No. 33097/96)
Violation: Ill-treatment by the police and the gendarmerie; actions of security forces during military and police operations; ineffective investigations.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2020)1383/H46-21 (29 September – 1 October 2020)
Kavala v. Turkey (Application No. 28749/18)
Violation: Unjustified and arbitrary detention of the applicants without providing objective evidence, and with the ulterior purpose of reducing the applicant to silence in the case of Kavala.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1406/H46-31 (June 2021)
Kasa group and Erdogan (and Others group) v. Turkey (Applications No. 45902/99, 19807/92)
Violation: Ill-treatment by the police and the gendarmerie; actions of security forces during military and police operations; ineffective investigations.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2020)1383/H46-21 (29 September – 1 October 2020)
Selahattin Demirtas v. Turkey (No. 2) (Application No. 14305/17)
Violation: Unjustified detention of the applicant without reasonable suspicion that he had committed an offence, with the ulterior purpose of stifling pluralism and limiting freedom of political debate; unforeseeable lifting of parliamentary immunity and subsequent criminal proceedings to penalise the applicant for political speech.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1406/H46-32 (June 2021)
Orphanides v. Turkey (Xenides Arestis group) (Application No. 36705/97)
Violation: Continuous denial of access to property in the northern part of Cyprus (individual measures and just satisfaction).
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2020)1377bis/A2 (September 2020)
Zelentsov (Kuzmenko) v. Ukraine (Application No. 40978/05) (Svetlana Naumenko group)
Violation: Excessive length of criminal and civil proceedings and lack of effective remedy.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2020)1383/H46-24 (29 September – 1 October 2020)
Dembo and Others v. Ukraine (Application No. 2778/18) under PETUKHOV v. Ukraine (no. 2) (Application No. 41216/13)
Violation: Irreducibility of life sentence and lack of appropriate medical care in prison.
First Examination